Saturday, July 11, 2009

TORCHWOOD-Children of Earth: Tragically Beautiful

So I just finished watching Torchwood: Children of Earth. WOW that is all I can say. 

I know some fans are unhappy, since lets face it the series began with loltastic episodes and everyone having sex with each other. But it evolved into something much more in the latter hald of season 2. Now, with COE  the show has become a human drama that happens to be sci-fi. 

I won't go into details now, since it hasn't aired yet in many places and many people may not have caught up with the last episode. But if you can watch it- its only five episodes- do, its incredible. 

Russell T Davies (writer/producer of both Torchwood and Doctor Who) has redeemed himself in my eyes. There was no easy fix done here, not reset button that has been used in past Doctor Who finales. No it was raw and true to this story.  The first episode, Day One, began dark and it carried through to the end of the Day Five epsiode. COE stuck to its guns and while the parts of it were hard to watch and there was a very high price to pay, it stayed true to itself there were no cop-outs.  It began dark and ended in suit. 

I think I must be a bit of a sick person, but I preferred this ending to some of the Doctor Who finales RTD has done lately. This was powerful and there was so much beauty in the tragedy. 

I just keep wondering, with that ending, how the hell Jack is going to come back for the David Tennant's last episodes on Doctor Who? 

Overall fabulous series: 9.5/10

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hey there

So I have been a giant failboat  at updating.
But that will change shortly. I m going to get a little sched going so *~hopefully*~ things will be coming in the future.

But so I won't leave this entry without something to look at, I will leave you with this video I found for Battlestar Galactica's Lee/Kara. I have just discovered this show, and I am totally in love with it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No Amount of Shushing is going to help Sweetheart a True Blood Review Post

So after months of waiting the fiercest vampires around are back! True Blood season 2 picks right where season 1 ended: Tara and Sookie screaming at what looks to be a dead, toe-nail painted foot, hanging out a car.  For those of us who have read the Sookie Stackhouse books we thought we knew; in "Living Dead in Dallas" the short order cook of Merlottes, Layfayette, is found dead in a patrons car. Which was kind of ok, since in the book he was a very minor character.

HOWEVER, on the series Layfayette is a BAMF (Bad Ass Mother Fucker for those who don't know, you poor people) and the thought of him being dead crushed fans. Layfayette stole every scene he was in with his sassy oneliners and the rolls of his eyeshadowed eyes. Who can forget AIDS Burger? 

Well the good news is that the producers and writers decided to keep him alive!!! HURRAH!! He is locked in Eric's basement, however, he is alive so that makes me happy. 

Speaking of Eric Northman- I love him. In fact the name of this post is what he says when he comes down- hair foiled, wearing a smock, and flip-flops. He is in the most redic outfit yet turns around and straight up kills some guy who dares put silver to him. Oddly enough the guy who gets ripped apart is the same red-neck whom Layfayette had his "AIDS burger" exchange with. In fact some of the best scenes were between Red-neck Royce and Layfayette, I loved when Red-neck Royce spilled all his secrets, "My ass is metallic now!" To which Layfayette replies, "I hope to God you aren't the last motherfucker I meet before I die." 

But enough of them, lets talk about the new baby vamp, Jessica. Shes 17, shes moody and bitchy and hilarious. Her pushing her glass bottle into the paper recycle bin instead of the blue glass was great. Also, how funny was Bill and his "We recycle in this house" talk? And Jessica trying to find right combo Trueblood that she would like, it really sweet of Bill I have to admit. She is new character for the show and not in the books, so it will be very interesting to see where they take her character.

The plot that seems to be developing is the murder of the voodoo priestess (who was in the back of the car), and who, or rather what is MaryAnn. Now I know but I won't say here, I'll keep some secrets, for a little while. But she will play a major role in things to come, not to mention it seems she has a past with Sam. And the whole Fellowship of the Sun thing- which we got a sneak peak at last season, will def come into play. Not to mention that Sookie and Bill seems to be arguing more, yes they made up, but things are starting to emerge. Which I like because I am an Eric/Sookie girl at heart. 

So all in all, a very enjoyable season opening! There was a big campaign, esp on facebook, that included fake ads, sites for the Fellowship of the Sun, an An American Vampire rights sites etc. Thats what I love about this show, its random little touches that create so much credibility to the world the show has created. 

I can't wait for next week!! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pinto is not impressed with my lack of posts:

So it is now June. And its cloudy and cold out. 

But that also means the pollen count is down so I m not sniffling and rubbing my eyes. 

Still unemployed.

In fact last week I opened an unemployment claim, that was awesome. On the one hand I know I am eligible for the money and I have put into the system since I was 16. But I also feel bad in some bizarre way. Like, I do have money saved up, I live with the parents and dont have a ton of bills to pay. I am lucky, believe me I know it. So I felt bad when I was waiting to go in the office and looking around at people who did deserve it. Like people with little kids who were the sole  supporter for the family. 

I don't know. 

So changing gears, what else have I been up to? Going to a lot of movies, including seeing Star Trek twice. I haven't seen a movie in theater twice since maybe Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (aka movie 2). But I loved it! 

And can I just say how much I love Pinto? 

Or more speically the .gifs of pics that come from the Pinto awesomeness. For realzies you want some lulz head over to ontd_startrek, and offshoot of OnNoTheyDidn't aka the greatest celebrity site ever. It really is all about the snarky commentary and .gifs. But yes, back to ontd_startrek, there are .gifs and icons galore for all your livejournal/blogging/nerding out needs. 

So yea what else have I been up too. I have been looking for a job. Also I have recently gotten into ready some really dorky things, like fantasy- hardcore 1000 page fantasy shit with like 15 bazillion sequels. Don't judge. I ll tell you how it happened I got into this show called "Legend of the Seeker" (made by the creators of Xena) and I fell for it hard, its slow-mo action, its pretty co-stars, its cheesiness, magic etc. It is based on the "Sword of Truth" books by Terry Goodkind, the first being "Wizards First Rule." 
Here are the various covers oldest to newest-just to give you an idea:

So I got my friend to watch it with me and she read the book too, now we are like junkies for this stuff. Seriously she went to this site that had lists of the best fantasy series- we then made lists and went to the used book store to buy them. Up next for me is the "Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordan, The Earthsea series and something else I can't remember right now. 

Now this is on top of all the other books I have been trying to read for the past few months. You see when I would work with the books at work I would get home and just the thought of reading a book made me want to scream. Nevertheless, I kept buying books. Why you ask? Because I have a problem. So I also have books 5-9 of the Sookie Stackhouse Series to read, the newest J.R. Ward book Lover Avenged to read, plus a ton more of the romance novel persuasion. And some actual literature too, not just romance/vampire/fantasy. 

So yea, I think I am going to change the title of this blog from "The Chronicles of the Unemployed Grad" to the "The Chronicles of the Unemployed Fangirl" I think it will be more fun that way. Right, right. I mean what was easier to read my SRS BSNS posts or the ones with pics and .gifs?  I think I will do a blend between the two and see what I get. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It summer!

Hello all,

Well yesterday was the "unofficial" start of summer and I am thrilled for some nice weather. This past winter was gross, so much snow that hung around for ages, then turning grey and nasty. Plus driving on streets where there were pot holes seemingly by the thousands was always a lot of fun for me, my car and of course my tires.

So I have been "off"/unemployed for a week or so, and it feels weird. I always knew that I would be back in this spot, I just didn't expect it like this. I was a temp originally for a 3 month assignment; however, at the end of the 3 months I was still there in some weird limbo of do-I-have-a-job-or-do-I-not-have-a-job? I ended up being their for 10 months, a lot longer then I thought. Of course there was talk about making the position a permanent one, however, with the economy going to shit that got placed on the back burner.

I finally had a performance review about a month ago- I thought it went well, or as well as those things can go. I did ask them if they knew of an end-date for my assignment or if the position would become permanent. The answer to the first was a decidedly unhelpful "thats the nature of temp work." and "the earliest it would be considered in 2010." to the latter. So, yea, that didn't make me feel exactly warm and fuzzy.

Flash forward to about a week and a half ago, I get a phone call- at 5:30 after work- from the temp agency telling me that tomorrow, Friday, was my last day. The woman was nice, and said she got a call from my company's HR dept who called her to let her know. I would have appreciated it from the company themselves, but yea.... The woman told me it was a budget issue, and she could have left it at that, but she went on to say that they thought I was a great employee, but that I had lost some excitement for my job.

Ok, perhaps I should explain what is was that I did, without disclosing the name of the company I worked for, a publishing house, and would look/compare two sets of the books (called galleys) and make sure the correct changes were made. Mind numbing, yes and so easy a child could do it, but I was good at my job. In regards to my lack of excitement, I think that happens with any job over a long period of time. It becomes monotonous and you do go through the motions- I was never careless- I want to stress that,I just did my job. Also I think after the performance review I was really confused too, they wanted me there, but there also didn't care really to make me a "real" employee- with benefits etc. I know that had I been someone with a family, there would of been no way in hell they could of pulled that crap. But with me being only a year of out school- yea they could,because they knew I would stay as long as I had a job. I also mentioned to my immediate boss that I was thinking of perhaps going back to school- that may have been what did it honestly.

But perhaps it was for the best. I needed a change in my life and I did not really enjoy my job, and it was starting to take its toll on me. I mean, I am grateful that I had a job when so many people are out of work in this country, and I certainly gained lots of experience; however, I am not sure if that is the career path for me.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

So I am starting a new blog

This will chronicle my adventures, or more often random things I do, while being unemployed.

SO yea fun times all around.