Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pinto is not impressed with my lack of posts:

So it is now June. And its cloudy and cold out. 

But that also means the pollen count is down so I m not sniffling and rubbing my eyes. 

Still unemployed.

In fact last week I opened an unemployment claim, that was awesome. On the one hand I know I am eligible for the money and I have put into the system since I was 16. But I also feel bad in some bizarre way. Like, I do have money saved up, I live with the parents and dont have a ton of bills to pay. I am lucky, believe me I know it. So I felt bad when I was waiting to go in the office and looking around at people who did deserve it. Like people with little kids who were the sole  supporter for the family. 

I don't know. 

So changing gears, what else have I been up to? Going to a lot of movies, including seeing Star Trek twice. I haven't seen a movie in theater twice since maybe Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (aka movie 2). But I loved it! 

And can I just say how much I love Pinto? 

Or more speically the .gifs of pics that come from the Pinto awesomeness. For realzies you want some lulz head over to ontd_startrek, and offshoot of OnNoTheyDidn't aka the greatest celebrity site ever. It really is all about the snarky commentary and .gifs. But yes, back to ontd_startrek, there are .gifs and icons galore for all your livejournal/blogging/nerding out needs. 

So yea what else have I been up too. I have been looking for a job. Also I have recently gotten into ready some really dorky things, like fantasy- hardcore 1000 page fantasy shit with like 15 bazillion sequels. Don't judge. I ll tell you how it happened I got into this show called "Legend of the Seeker" (made by the creators of Xena) and I fell for it hard, its slow-mo action, its pretty co-stars, its cheesiness, magic etc. It is based on the "Sword of Truth" books by Terry Goodkind, the first being "Wizards First Rule." 
Here are the various covers oldest to newest-just to give you an idea:

So I got my friend to watch it with me and she read the book too, now we are like junkies for this stuff. Seriously she went to this site that had lists of the best fantasy series- we then made lists and went to the used book store to buy them. Up next for me is the "Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordan, The Earthsea series and something else I can't remember right now. 

Now this is on top of all the other books I have been trying to read for the past few months. You see when I would work with the books at work I would get home and just the thought of reading a book made me want to scream. Nevertheless, I kept buying books. Why you ask? Because I have a problem. So I also have books 5-9 of the Sookie Stackhouse Series to read, the newest J.R. Ward book Lover Avenged to read, plus a ton more of the romance novel persuasion. And some actual literature too, not just romance/vampire/fantasy. 

So yea, I think I am going to change the title of this blog from "The Chronicles of the Unemployed Grad" to the "The Chronicles of the Unemployed Fangirl" I think it will be more fun that way. Right, right. I mean what was easier to read my SRS BSNS posts or the ones with pics and .gifs?  I think I will do a blend between the two and see what I get.